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CKL-Face: How to install Turbo Pascal on Windows x32 / x64
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Sunday, November 24, 2013

How to install Turbo Pascal on Windows x32 / x64

1. Download and install: Dosbox

        Download Here

2. Create new folder, for example „c:\Tp\“

3. Download Turbo Pascal

        Download Here 

  •  Install Turbo Pascal 7.1.exe
  • go to C:\Turbo Pascal 7.1\ and rename it to C:\Tp\

4. Right click on DOSBox0.74 and click on Open file installation and open the dosbox.conf file in any text editor.

5. Scroll down to the very end, and add code

mount d c:\tp\
cd bin

and save, close and run DOSBox now.
tp2 300x168 How to install Turbo Pascal on Windows 8 x32 / x64

6. In the Turbo Pascal go to Options>Directories> Change the source of TP to the source directory [D] (i.e. virtual D: refers to original C:\TP\ . So make the path change to something like D:\)
tp3 300x168 How to install Turbo Pascal on Windows 8 x32 / x64

           How to use [Ctrl]+[F9] (“Run”) without closing down DOSBox

1. press [ctrl]+[F1] while running Pascal to view/change the mapper commands.

2. click on “Shutdown”,

3. then (click) on “del”,

4. then (click) “add”

5. and then press “q” on your keyboard, then click “mod1″ in the lower left corner to close DOSBox with [ctrl]+[q]

6. click on “save”

Now you can use [ctrl]+[F9] in Pascal as usual and [ctrl]+[q] to close DOSBox.

You can do the same with [ctrl]+[F1] (for topic search) by clicking on “mapper” and changing the command as described above.

To reset the mapping, just run the “Reset KeyMapper”-file in the DOSBox folder.

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